What's Happening
The Connecticut Better Home Show is a combination of two distinct expos all under one roof that will make for a most unique & interactive experience that is all about your home, your garden, and a better quality life.
Thousands in Giveaways and Show Prizes!
Show up early and get in line!

The first 250 attendees each day will get a goody bag filled with snack items, a pumpkin, and other prize chances. The bags will include randomly distributed winning tickets for the following:

a) $500 cash giveaway each day to one lucky winner;
b) 5-gallon coolers for 3 lucky winners each day; and
c) $750 worth of Stop N Shop $25 gift cards

Additionally, each attendee will get ticket chances for the following prizes. Drawing will be held at 1pm each day. You do not have to be present to win.

d) 55″ Smart TV from Costco to one lucky winner; and
e) 2 sets of tickets to an upcoming Ridgefield Playhouse event

$15,000 Giveaway
Compliments of Renewal by Andersen.

Stop by the booth for more information.

From New Place to Home Sweet Home
Whether it’s finishing the basement or starting a new addition on your home, our show has dozens of building, remodeling, and interior design companies to help turn your place into a home.

Talk to our experts! Make sure to take advantage of meeting multiple companies all under one roof to find the best deal and get your project started! A wide variety of companies will be offering show-only discounts so ask around!

DIY Workshops
Get your hands dirty in a few, simple projects at the show. Show off your building skills in a fun environment and possibly learn some new techniques. More details to come so stay tuned!
More Giveaways to Come!
All exhibitor giveaways are subject to change. To find out more about a specific giveaway, make sure to stop by their booth at the show.